“I-N-S-I-D-E” is a free online exhibition curated by two students from Goldsmiths struggling and stuck to find placements in London during the pandemic. And just by chance, they saw two friends posting their works on social media, which created works in their unusual ways. Hence, this exhibition was inspired by these two artists and cooperate with them to do an unexpected and meaningful online exhibition to replace curators’ placements. By doing this, curators want to say that there are always more chances of doing something different or unexpected when you feel that you are at the end of the road. By negotiate with the two artists and deeply understand their works, curators have linked their works and named this exhibition “I-N-S-I-D-E” and decided to open it online in a more accessible way in this uncertain time. The word “inside” stands for three meanings here – stay inside the house, ideas inside the minds, artworks inside the box/room, which refer back to the artworks, the exhibition, and the present form. The curators hope to show to the public that there are infinity possibilities to connect the inside and outside during this challenging time, and never give up when you stuck. As one of the artists, Torri, said, “Even you stay inside, you own the outside”. Contact us Email: qzhao001@gold.ac.uk. Ins: inside_online exhibition yzhan025@gold.ac.uk. |